Fund Raising
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BBOP fundraising efforts fall into three main categories:
1. Raising funds to run the BBOP activities (band camp, contests, field trips, awards, etc.).
2. Raising funds for students’ personal accounts (band camp fees, contest fees, replacement instrument parts, field trips).
3. New Uniform Fund: Primarily funded by Tag Day donations, we work on this every year in order to be ready for the 10-12 year replacement cycle of the uniforms. Each band uniform costs about $500!
The Peterson Nut fundraiser is to raise funds for individual student accounts. Completed order forms due by Mon. 11/18/24. Don’t forget your name, school & phone # on the form. If funds are missing, your order will not be placed. Make sure the money matches what is on your order form!
HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: Turn forms and money into the BBOP lockbox next to Ms. Jones’ door.
HESKETT STUDENTS: Turn forms & money into Ms. Jones.
PICK-UP: Wed. 12/11/24, 6pm to 7pm in the BHS teacher lounge. Enter the door to the right of the loading dock behind the high school.
Questions? Contact Desiree Barber at 216-392-8785 or